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Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian Club

Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian Club

12 Supporters
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Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian Club

The Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian (BCMS) Club aims to connect students and the Pitt community by sharing the culture and history of countries that many may not be familiar with. Whether you're of BCMS nationality, have family or friends of BCMS descent, or simply want to learn more about these countries, we strive to create a welcoming space where students can learn, share, and take pride in our heritage.

The city of Pittsburgh has one of the largest BCMS communities in the entire country. From restaurants to music and dance concerts, the Yugoslav Room in the Cathedral of Learning to  even Croatian Day at Kennywood, the influence of these countries can be seen and felt throughout the city. For many of our members — some of whom have never encountered another student that shares their cultural background — this club has created a space where they can connect with others who can understand and value these traditions. Just within this school year, our membership has grown significantly as we get more opportunities to amplify our voices.

Through our weekly meetings, we engage in activities that strengthen our bond as a club while also sharing our traditions with the Pitt community. Our events have included attending BCMS cultural festivals, exploring Pittsburgh with members new to the city, showing film screenings, hosting history lessons, enjoying game nights, and celebrating important holidays together.

With your generous gift, we can continue the spread of love and culture across Pitt, fostering unity through shared experiences and appreciation. Your contribution will allow us to be better funded in hosting our community events, bring in guest speakers, purchase club shirts for our members, and ensure that our traditions remain vibrant and visible on campus!

Thank you for your kindness and support!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!