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Hillel at Pitt

Hillel at Pitt

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Hillel at Pitt

Hillel at Pitt is part of an international program that aims to create a space for all Jewish students across college campuses. Hillel at Pitt has a mission to reach every Jewish student during their time on campus. We run events and programs centered around holidays, culture and simply for fun.

All of the money raised through Pitt Day of Giving will go directly to our mission. Most of our events include specially prepared kosher food to allow students of all backgrounds to enjoy. We cannot continue to provide meals without your help! Donations will also be used towards supplies for our weekly events on campus including tabling sessions and evening programs.

You should make a donation so that we can continue our mission to engage with every Jewish student on campus and fulfill the needs of attendees from all backgrounds. Your support is extremely necessary now more than ever with the rise of Antisemitism across college campuses. We need your help to provide a safe and welcoming space at Pitt for Jewish students.