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Kappa Psi Beta Kappa Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc.

Kappa Psi Beta Kappa Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc.

12 Supporters
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Kappa Psi Beta Kappa Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc.

Our chapter prides itself on giving back to its members through our Brother-in-Need fund and conference reimbursement. The Brother-in-Need fund is a safety net of money the chapter raises to use in times of need for Brothers. No matter the circumstances, we hope to provide for our members through this fund. The funds we obtain through Pitt Day of Giving will also include reimbursement for our provincial and national conferences. Our chapter is passionate about bringing people to these conferences, and we want to ensure anyone who wants to attend is financially able to participate. Due to increasing conference and travel prices, it is becoming more expensive to attend these conferences. We do not want to limit the number of people who can attend this year and the following years due to increasing expenses.

Our chapter wants to continue the tradition of supporting our professional development through Pitt Day of Giving. This year, we will put the funds toward the Brother-in-Need fund so that we have the funds to support all Brothers in times of crisis and for professional development as future pharmacists.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!