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Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC)

Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC)

36 Supporters
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LRDC Student Initiatives Fund

All Gifts to LRDC are used for graduate and undergradute students:

  • Research opportunities 
  • Development of new research 
  • Graduate Student Council (GSC) awards 
  • Travel grants and registration fees for conferences
  • Support for students on the job market

Help Us Unlock Additional Funding

We have received a Director's challenge from Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal. When we reach $1000 in gifts, Elizabeth will match that total with a donation of $1000.

Your contribution - no matter the size - moves us closer to unlocking the challenge funds and supporting both undergraduate and graduate students at LRDC.

Personal Message

Thank you for your your donation to the Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC). Your donation supports student training and participation in research of impact. 

With Your Support We Can

Your philanthropic gift will directly support LRDC's mission of contributing to the training of both graduate and undergraduate students in research projects as varied as studying how the brain embodies learning and thinking to identifying critical influences on learning in childrhood and adolescence.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!