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Nancy Tannery, a white woman wearing a yellow blazer, smiling while she sits behind a desk with her hands clasped.

Nancy Tannery Memorial Fund

2 Supporters
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Honoring the Memory of Nancy Tannery

As Senior Associate Director at HSLS and then as Assistant Provost, Nancy Tannery made a tremendous impact on the lives of so many at the University of Pittsburgh. Your gift to honor her legacy builds upon her family’s generosity. By choosing to name a space at Pitt in her memory, Nancy’s family has ensured that her name will continue to be synonymous with collaboration, education, and innovation for generations to come.

Celebrating her dedication to Pitt and her collaborative spirit, the Nancy Tannery Conference Room in Falk Library will be a place where colleagues and students can come together to advance innovative ideas and discuss important topics. This space will bear Nancy’s name and will include a physical plaque recognizing her and her contributions to Pitt. The conference room will be reservable and will serve as host to group meetings and intimate gatherings.

When the library staff who worked with Nancy during her time at Pitt were asked where they thought it was most appropriate to recognize Nancy’s contributions, this is the space they thought of first.

Give to Nancy's Legacy

Endowment funds will be used to foster professional development, enhance engagement, and promote camaraderie among HSLS colleagues, ensuring that Nancy’s legacy lives on in our HSLS team.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!