Pittsburgh Equestrian Club
Club Equestrian at Pitt is
a club sports team at the University of Pittsburgh that competes in the
Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) during the fall and spring
semesters. The club consists of both showing and lessoning students that use
the club as a way to gain friends while also growing in their love of horses.
We as a team consist of many different riding levels that compete in shows
around the tristate area of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia at different
universities. The shows consist of riders competing for both individual and
team points in hope of moving on to regional and national competitions.
As a non-varsity sport, we
receive limited funding from the university to help us pay for transportation
and show fees, most of which comes out of our own pockets. As a sport, riding
is notorious for being expensive. Our team is responsible for riding lesson
fees, gear, show registration fees, transportation, and lodging. For funds we
rely heavily on member dues and fundraising campaigns throughout the year. Our
team has also grown exponentially in size which has increased our team costs.
Donations of any
amount are greatly appreciated. Our goal is to keep as many of our members
riding as we possibly can, and your generosity helps to do that. Outside of
monetary donations, helping us spread the word is always helpful. You can also
follow us on social media. We are on Instagram @ClubEquestrianatPitt. We post
regularly and will be providing updates on our 2023-2024 show season, events we
hold as a team, or progress in our fundraising.