Pitt Pharmacy

Pitt Pharmacy is the #9 ranked pharmacy schools in the country. We strive to be an outstanding school of pharmacy- renowned for excellence in drug discovery and advancement of science-based use of medications to enhance the vitality and quality of life.

Pitt Day of Giving is an opportunity to show your support for Pitt Pharmacy by making a gift that will:

  • Create scholarship opportunities for current Pitt Pharmacy Students
  • Provide resources for our community programs like the Grace Lamsam Pharmacy Program for the Underserved
  • Help fund ground-breaking research that has the potential to revolutionize healthcare
  • Support the faculty who are training the next generation of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists

Help us make this possible by making a gift to Pitt Pharmacy today!

This year we have a unique opportunity—The School of Pharmacy Board of Visitors has issued a challenge to the Pitt Pharmacy community with a chance for us to unlock $25,000 to support pharmacy scholarships. 

 Pitt Pharmacy Board of Visitor’s Challenge 

  • 50 gifts from recent graduates and current students unlocks $2,500 
  • 100 total gifts unlocks $7,500 
  • 200 total gifts unlocks $15,000 

 This day is focused on participation—not dollar amounts—so a gift of any size will help us reach our goal and unlock $25,000 in scholarship support. 

Can’t find your fund? Click here.